Indian medical practitioners benefit from the updated UK rules

India has been a country with the best human capabilities and opportunities since the beginning of time, providing the globe with quality services and knowledge that is known worldwide. The UK government has, of course, confirmed new fast-track visas for doctors from countries like India.

A new, equal, point-based immigration system would allow skilled workers from around the world to contribute to the economy, neighbourhoods and public services of the United Kingdom," says, pointing to Johnson promise of the General Election to implement an Australian point-based immigration system to recruit the "brightest and best" people from around the world.
Where there was an unclear panel for PR or extended stay back causing chaos for domestic students in india, now with this developed system it might become a possibility for medicine related students or practitioners to elope a fine opportunity in a nation which is renowned for its medical services like the NHS.
And being a part of it would be a dream come true scenario for most practitioners and students.


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